An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Monday, January 5, 2015

Pastorgraphs: “2020 Vision”

E-Vangel Newsletter
January 5, 2015

Christ United Methodist Ministry Center

“Christ in the Heart of San Diego”
3295 Meade Avenue - San Diego, CA 92116 - (619) 284-9205
Pastorgraphs: “2020 Vision”

Of all five human senses, vision is probably the most precious. At the same time vision is the sense most taken for granted. That’s why I’m headed to see my ophthalmologist later this morning for an annual checkup.

Spiritual vision is essential too. The Bible says, “Where there is no vision the people perish.” (Proverbs 28:19) That is why I am excited about our 5-year Strategic Plan we are calling “2020 Vision”.

Getting us to realizing we are now in a new year, 2015, is going to take some time, as it does every January. Five years from now will put us on the threshold of 2020. Hence the project name, “2020 Vision”.

An old adage says “Blessed are those who aim at nothing, for they will not be disappointed”. In our rapidly changing world it is difficult to see very far into the future. But it is essential that we set goals and come up with a plan to reach the goals. Then we periodically review our progress or failings, and make whatever adjustments are needed to keep us moving toward our goals.

“2020 Vision” is a cooperative strategic plan for both Christ Ministry Center and Exodus Parish. The symbol we have chosen includes two tongues of flame: one for Christ Ministry Center, the other for Exodus Parish. While I work with the CMC Board to set the goals and milestones for where we want CMC to be in five years, the four Parish Ministers will be working with their congregations to envision where they wish to be in one year, two years, and so on until 2020.

I will work with these church leaders to dream BIG dreams. The model we will use centers around the characteristics of “Vital Congregations” as described by our Board of Discipleship. Vital congregations have:

·         Inviting and inspiring worship
·         Engaged disciples in mission and outreach
·         Gifted, empowered and equipped lay leadership
·         Effective, equipped and inspired clergy leadership
·         Small group ministries
·         Strong children’s & youth ministries

At the same time, I appreciate Heather Hahn’s United Methodist News Service article, “5 Ways to Reclaim Wesleyan Evangelism”, that explains the Rev. Heather Lear’s practical “new vantage point” of evangelism.
 “Evangelism should not just be about providing a form of fire insurance ‘to keep people out of hell’,” Lear said. “To truly share and live out that good news requires developing relationships with people. That often requires more than handing out Bible tracts.”

Lear, who oversees evangelism ministries at the Board of Discipleship, offers these principles for a renewed, authentic evangelism that requires congregations to transition:

·         From fellowship to hospitality
·         From worship as an event to worship as a lifestyle
·         From ‘serve us’ to service
·         From a survival mentality to generosity
·         From membership to discipleship

“2020 Vision” is not simply a New Year’s Resolution exercise. It is “perfect vision” as your eye doctor will tell you. “2020 Vision” is our soul searching of who we are and where we want to be one year, or five years from today. The Bible promises, “Good planning and hard work lead to prosperity, but hasty shortcuts lead to poverty.” (Proverbs 21:5).

The journey begins this Sunday evening as I share the “2020 Vision” with our Haitian Methodist Ministry. It will be up to each congregation to dream their own BIG dream of where they hope to be in the year 2020. We will coordinate these visons into our collective strategic plan for Exodus Parish and CMC.

For Christ’s Sake,
Bill Jenkins

From The Quote Garden:
“Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now.”
~ Alan Lakein

Photo: Adapted from, all royalties paid.

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