An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Monday, September 22, 2014


Spinning the Synod

Here are five misleading claims and skewed statements about the upcoming Synod of Bishops.

By Carl E. Olson

Here’s a word that hasn’t been used much in recent discussions about the approaching Battle of the Cardin—er, the Synod of Bishops, taking place October 5-19 in Rome: evangelization. Which is curious, since the official title, or theme, for the extraordinary general assembly is “The Pastoral Challenges of the Family in the Context of Evangelization”. To the contrary, it is safe to say that most people—Catholic and non-Catholic alike—think the Synod is going to be primarily about divorced Catholics, remarried Catholics, and the reception of Holy Communion by Catholics who currently live in “canonically irregular situations” (that is, are divorced and remarried).

Read “Spinning the Synod


Celebrating 30 Years of Project Rachel

An interview with Vicki Thorn, founder of the pro-life ministry helping women and men find healing after abortion.

By Carrie Gress

In the wake of the Roe v. Wade ruling of the Supreme Court in 1973, it became clear to those in pro-life work that some sort of ministry was required to help women suffering from the far-reaching ramifications of legalized abortion. Thirty years ago this week, Vicki Thorn launched Project Rachel to meet that need.

Catholic World Report spoke with Thorn about how Project Rachel got started and the fruit of its three decades of service to women, men, and children affected by the scourge of abortion.

Read “Celebrating 30 Years of Project Rachel


The Magical, Timeless Popularity of J.R.R. Tolkien

The support for all things Tolkien is fascinating not only because of its size but because of its surreal diversity.

By Michael Coren

He doesn’t really fit the bill.

J. R. R. Tolkien that is. Novelists these days are supposed to wear their angst on their finely tailored sleeves, to be whirling dervishes of deconstruction, discontent, deviance and the divine right of protest. Yet the author of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings was quintessentially comfortable—in his life as well as in his tweeds. He was also formed, informed, shaped, defined and inspired by his Roman Catholicism.

Read “The Magical, Timeless Popularity of J.R.R. Tolkien


Faith, Love, and Music Come Together in The Song

A conversation with Alan Powell, star of the upcoming movie The Song, which is inspired by the Song of Solomon.

By Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle

The Song is a romantic drama inspired by the Song of Solomon with a modern-day setting: today’s country music scene. Written and directed by Richard Ramsey and releasing nationwide on September 26 from Samuel Goldwyn Films and City On A Hill Studio, The Song addresses themes of love, sex, and the meaning of life (it is rated PG-13). Alan Powell plays Jed in The Song, and he recently spoke with Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle for Catholic World Report about the film.

Read “Faith, Love, and Music Come Together in The Song


Liberalism, Choice, and Compulsion

Contrary to what many people believe, no society can maximize free choice and all societies involve some sort of compulsion.

By James Kalb

Social liberals consider traditional moral restrictions cruel in their very essence. Each of us, they believe, should be as free as possible to pursue his happiness as he sees it, consistent with the equal ability of others to do the same.

To reject that position, as Catholics and other moral traditionalists do, is either intentionally to block happiness or to substitute the judgment of the powerful for that of the individual with regard to his own most basic concerns. And that, progressives say, is cruel, oppressive, or both.

Read “Liberalism, Choice, and Compulsion

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