An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Saturday, March 8, 2014

Pastorgraphs: My Lenten Gift to You

E-Vangel Newsletter
March 3, 2014
[Pastorgraphs now online at]

Pastorgraphs: My Lenten Gift to You

“40 Days to Integrity” is now ready to begin Wednesday, March 5th (the first day of Lent). You can take a sneak peak on Vimeo (

40 Days to Integrity
Join "40 Days to Integrity", a series of 5 minute daily videos that will lead you through The ABC Model of Integrity with Dr. Bill Jenkins, author of “Three Steps to Integrity: The ABC Model" and co-founder of The Integrity Network ( There is no cost or obligation. To join, simply send an email to or “like”

Thank you, all who have pre-registered. It’s not too late. And please pass the word along to your family, friends, and co-workers.

We will look at The ABC Model of Integrity in 40 small, bite-size segments. Each day, you will get a five-minute video that will explore one of the building blocks of Integrity.

Along the way, you will find simple tools to help you achieve Integrity in your life. And at the end, I will show you how to create your own Code of Character, your personal life plan for Integrity.

Each day you will receive practical steps to achieving that aspect of Integrity in your life. Plus, once you have all the pieces of the Integrity puzzle in place, you will be better prepared to become a person of integrity with all the benefits it offers.

I hope you will find these short daily sessions interesting, informative, and inspiring. You can use these short videos as your daily devotional during the 40 Days of Lent.

So thank you for joining the journey to Integrity. Feel free to invite your family, friends, co-workers, church members, and so on to join us. I look forward to our journey together.

News from Around Christ Ministry Center:
The world is literally coming to us! We now have a dozen congregations worshiping at Christ Ministry Center. We have added an Hispanic Apostolic Church, and ethnic congregations from Eritrea, Ethiopia, and the Marshall Islands. We welcome you!

Our Haitian congregation will celebrate their Fifth Anniversary on March 23 at 6:00 PM. Congratulations to these dear brothers and sisters. I am looking forward to speaking at that service.

Exodus Church has had several professions of faith and baptisms in the past few weeks. They are reaching our neighbors, including two Muslim converts and a Jewish lady who attends regularly. Simply amazing! Exodus will sponsor a Children’s Concert on Palm Sunday afternoon, and host Easter Worship with participation from each of the four congregations and choirs in our Cooperative Parish.

We continue to make improvements to our facilities. Thank you, all who are helping fix up and paint up. And thank you all for keeping the Lord’s House clean and inviting.

Devotedly yours, Bill Jenkins

From the Quote Garden:
“If you have integrity, nothing else matters.
If you don’t have integrity, nothing else matters.”
~ Former US Senator Alan Simpson ~

Christ United Methodist Ministry Center
“Christ in the Heart of San Diego”
3295 Meade Avenue - San Diego, CA 92116 - (619) 284-9205

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