An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Monday, November 25, 2013

Ignatius Insight e-letter 11.25.2013

Pope Francis the Conservative? | Carl E. Olson | After some miscues and moments of confusion, the pontiff seems to be getting his label-free legs underneath him.

Vatican II, Salvation, and the Unsaved: A CWR Symposium | Carl E. Olson | A special CWR symposium, consisting of eight essays, on key questions about the Council, evangelization, and salvation. The eight essays are:

1) "Every one to whom much is given, of him will much be required" | Douglas Bushman | The teaching of Vatican II on the question of salvation entails surprises.

2) Vatican II and the "Bad News" of the Gospel | David Paul Deavel | A review of Ralph Martin’s book Will Many Be Saved? What Vatican II Actually Teaches and Its Implications for the New Evangelization.

3) The Universality of Christ’s Saving Mission: The Teaching of Vatican II | Nicholas J. Healy, Jr. | The distinguishing feature of the doctrine and the pastoral program of Vatican II is Trinitarian Christocentrism.

4) Salvation and Christian Evangelization: Vatican II in Continuity with Tradition | Fr. David Vincent Meconi, SJ | The one true Faith is for every human person made in the rational soul’s imaging and likeness to God.

5) Salvation and Missionary Work after Ad Gentes | Tracey Rowland | On the Council's themes of salvation and the missionary work of the Church.

6) On Universal Salvation: The Logic | James V. Schall, SJ | Many ways can be proposed to deal with universal salvation.

7) Who Will Be Saved? The Council and the Question of Salvation | Fr. Thomas Joseph White, OP | Vatican II affirms many traditional teachings but also leaves open important questions.

8) Did Hans Urs von Balthasar Teach that Everyone Will Certainly be Saved? | Mark Brumley | Why Swiss theologian Hans Urs von Balthasar wasn't a universalist.

A Pilgrimage in Rome--At Home | Carrie Gress | George Weigel and his photographer son, Stephen Weigel, talk about their book, Roman Pilgrimage: The Station Churches.

C.S. Lewis and Catholic Converts | Joseph Pearce | While Lewis himself never entered the Catholic Church, his writings have led a dizzying array of converts across the Tiber.

Battle Lines Solidify Over Common Core | Anne Hendershott | Increasing numbers of teachers and parents are expressing displeasure with new federal educational standards

An Interview with Michael D. O’Brien | | The prolific novelist discusses his new novel, Voyage to Alpha Centauri and the creative process.

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