An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Tuesday, August 6, 2013


August 2013

NAE Insight: Modern-day Slavery
Every 30 seconds another person becomes a victim of human trafficking. In this newsletter issue, Lisa Thompson of The Salvation Army gives her take on how the church should respond, while NAE's Galen Carey discusses the government's response. Also included is a Q & A with a trafficking survivor, a list of 10 ways to fight human trafficking, quick takes on several anti-trafficking documentaries, and more. (download the newsletter)

Evangelicals Go to Prison
The June Evangelical Leaders Survey found that almost all evangelical leaders (95 percent) have visited a prison. Several have been involved in regular ministry to prisoners. “When Jesus told us that we must care for 'the least of these,' he specifically included prisoners. That's why evangelicals care," said NAE President Leith Anderson. (read more)

Support for Strong Sentencing Act
Senators Mike Lee and Dick Durbin introduced a bipartisan prison reform bill that would reduce excessive mandatory minimum sentences and refocus resources on the most serious offenders and crime prevention. NAE Vice President Galen Carey joined Justice Fellowship President Craig DeRoche and other faith-based leaders in a letter to the senators expressing their support. (read the letter)

Meet your Member of Congress over August Recess
Congress has adjoined for a five week summer recess. Many Members take advantage of the time off to meet with constituents in town halls, coffees and other events. They also meet with constituents in their offices. To join an event in your area, contact Kristen Sabella at the NAE headquarters.

Preserve the Charitable Tax Deduction
The NAE and other nonprofit organizations and associations made the case to members of the Senate Finance Committee that the charitable tax deduction should be preserved since it advances important policy objectives, helps bolster the economy and makes the tax code fairer. (read their letter)

My Hope America with Billy Graham
Billy Graham’s final major outreach is gaining traction with over 17,000 churches registered to participate and with three months to go. It may be the largest evangelistic effort ever. See how your church can be involved. (learn more)

Member Spotlight: Christianity Today
Christianity Today is a leading, nonprofit media ministry for the evangelical church with six print publications, several digital-only publications, and practical web and mobile resources that together reach over 2.5 million people every month. Christianity Today plans to launch Cristianismo Hoy, a magazine written and edited from within the Hispanic community, this year. (learn more)

Article Spotlight: Majority of Americans Favor Restricting Abortion at 20 Weeks
The Washington Post – By a margin of 56 to 27 percent, more Americans say they’d prefer to impose limits on abortions after the first 20 weeks of pregnancy rather than the 24-week mark established under current law, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll. (read more)

Event Spotlight: The Bible and Democracy in America
On Oct. 25-26, American Bible Society and Wheaton College will host a public gathering of scholars, students, clergy and laypersons to engage in a dynamic, provocative conversation on the role and place of the Bible in America – past, present and future. You are invited. (register now)

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