An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Monday, February 25, 2013

Pastorgraphs: “Care Fair 2013”

E-Vangel Newsletter
February 25, 2013

Pastorgraphs: “Care Fair 2013”

When God’s Spirit leads us to do something, He also provides the means to get the job done. What astonishes me is how quickly and clearly God makes the connection between the need and the solution to the need.

One month ago I shared with you that God impressed upon me the need to pull together a database of outreach ministries and services being offered in Mid-City San Diego by churches and charities.

Why such a database? Church A has a hot meal ministry on Monday night, Church B  has a clothing ministry that specializes in children’s shoes for fast growing feet, and Charity C has a temporary shelter program. All three agencies are within an eight block radius of each other, but all are totally uninformed of the ministry or service offered by the others. Multiply this a hundredfold over Mid-City San Diego, and two things become very clear:

  • There exists a vast number of resources for the poor and those in need.
  • We miss many opportunities to minister to the poor and needy simply because we are unaware of what our neighbors are doing.

No single church or charity can do it all. But wouldn’t it be great if there was an online database listing the resources being offered? Wouldn’t we all do a better job, and more real ministry get done?

Friday, Ken Nielsen (who is helping me with the Mid-City Ministries) let me know of “CareFair San Diego” being held the next day, a wonderful event sponsored by Lake Murray Community Church in La Mesa. This was too good an opportunity to miss. More than two dozen charities and ministries were present seeking volunteers and ways to coordinate efforts. The participants included the Salvation Army, FeedingAmerica, Goodwill, San Diego Rescue Mission, and Red Cross to name a few. It was like fishing in a goldfish bowl. Here in one place were the very agencies I hoped to connect with over the next months, maybe even a year. But in one day, I was able to share the vision of compiling all the services each agency offers so we may reduce duplication of efforts and better point people in need to the resources. Every agency I spoke with was excited and agreed such a database would help us all. I now have about 30 business cards from some outstanding charities, large and small. I will follow up with each in the immediate future.

Kudos to Lake Murray Community Church for sponsoring this event. Lake Murray proves one church can make a huge difference! Next year Christ Ministry Center will be participating.

Participating Agencies

A final illustration – Pastor Donald Owens and I met for breakfast last Monday. Exodus Church worships in the Christ Ministry Center sanctuary each Sunday morning. Exodus has offices and designated space for their ministries. As I shared the vision of what we are now calling the “Fount of Blessings” database, Pastor Owens said, “You know we operate a food pantry in Room 204”. I was humbled and embarrassed. My office is Room 104. Forget the problem of not knowing what the church eight blocks away is doing…I was unaware that a food ministry was operating eight feet above my head!

We can do better than this. We must do better than this. I hope more churches are as willing to share information of the things they are doing so that we may get on with helping those in need.

Half-Day Integrity Seminar

If you would like to participate in our first “Half-Day” Integrity Seminar scheduled for this Saturday, March 2, 9:00-11:55 AM Pacific Time, please let me know. For those outside the San Diego area, the Half-Day Integrity Seminar will be available live via GoToWebinar. Anyone who missed one or more sessions of the recent Integrity Academy is welcome to come for the single session missed, and receive a Certificate of Attendance.

The schedule for the Half-Day Integrity Seminar (Saturday March 2) is:

Session One: Ethics        9:00 AM (Pacific Time)
Session Two: Virtues       9:45 AM
Session Three: Character 10:30 AM
Session Four: Integrity   11:15 AM

Those who attend all four sessions are eligible to take the optional Certificate Exam.

Pastor Bill

From the Quote Garden:
“The way a team plays as a whole determines its success. You may have the greatest bunch of individual stars in the world, but if they don't play together, the club won't be worth a dime.”
~ Babe Ruth ~

Christ United Methodist Ministry Center
“Christ in the Heart of San Diego”
3295 Meade Avenue - San Diego, CA 92116 - (619) 284-9205

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