An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

What is Covenant Theology?

Covenant Theology

Covenant Theology is a way of understanding how God interacts with humanity. This view understands God's dealings with humanity in respect of covenants (an agreement between two parties) rather than dispensations (that says that God interacts differently in different periods of time).

It represents the whole of scripture as covenantal in structure and theme. There are several views within Covenant Theology, some believe there is one Covenant and others believe two and still others believe in more.

The two main covenants are covenant of works in the Old Testament made between God and Adam, and the Covenant of Grace between the Father and the Son where the Father promised to give the Son the elect and the Son must redeem them.

Regardless of views on the number of covenants, the covenant(s) have been made before the world was made (Heb. 13:20).

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