An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Monday, October 5, 2009

NAE Update

October 2009
By Galen Carey
Everyone agrees discrimination is wrong. Well, almost everyone. Recently, some well-meaning groups wrote to Attorney General Eric Holder advocating revocation of longstanding civil rights protections for religious groups. At issue is the right of religious groups to recruit staff that share the organization's mission, vision and values. This fundamental right is codified in Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and was affirmed by the Supreme Court in the 1987 Amos v. Corporation of Presiding Bishops case. (read more)

The fall brings a wave of cooler weather, apple cider, school buses, and often Kleenexes and thermometers. Since the local church often acts as a community center - bringing together people from different occupations, networks and backgrounds to one location each week - it is particularly important for churches to be prepared for the upcoming flu season. (read more)

As world leaders gather in Pittsburgh for the G20 Summit, the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) joins other religious communities in participating in the Faith Leaders Summit calling for urgent attention to the needs of poor and hungry people whose plight has worsened as a result of the world economic crisis. (read more)

The U.S. Commission for International Religious Freedom conducts periodic conference calls with pastors and other religious leaders to discuss strategies and actions to advance religious freedom around the world.  If you are an NAE member and would like to participate in these calls please contact Galen Carey at If there are specific countries or people groups that are of concern to you, please let us know this as well.

The NAE launched its new website. This tool will help the NAE further its goal of uniting, serving and representing American evangelicals. The new website is accessible, easy to navigate, and offers simple ways to share information with others. (check it out)

NAE Friends’ Events

Churches United: Exclusive One Night Live Theatrical Event with Hillsong United
International worship sensation Hillsong United will bring a message of justice, mercy and love to movie theaters across the United States on Nov. 4.  Live from Australia, thousands will gather in theaters for an evening of new songs and true stories as Hillsong United debuts its social justice documentary, “We’re All in This Together.” Organize your small group, worship team, youth group, or entire church for a once-in-a-lifetime experience. (read more)

The Christian Community Development Association will hold its national conference in Cincinnati Oct. 21-25.  This year’s conference is power-packed with dynamic speakers, including Barbara Williams-Skinner, Jim Wallis, Shane Claiborne, and more. Five categories - Subversion, Simplicity, Synergy, Solidarity, and Symphony - will guide the conference giving attendees new insights and perspectives on how to faithfully pursue kingdom priorities in community development. (read more)

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