An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Saturday, February 1, 2025



The Scofield Reference Bible changed the very nature of Christianity as it has been, and is being, practiced in the United States. A sizable percentage of America’s Christians believe in a soon-to-arrive End of Days, the great battle of Armageddon, the Jewish rebuilding of the Jerusalem temple, the Rapture of the true Christians into heaven, the seven years of world Tribulation, and the Second Coming. None of the above is actually taught in the Bible itself. It is taught in the Scofield Reference Bible — in the annotations written by Scofield. Not exactly the same thing as the Hebrew or Greek texts themselves.

Perhaps it is Scofield’s notes to the Book of Revelation that are the most dangerous ones and have thrust that book of the Bible into a top position among many Christians today. For example: “Romanism (the Catholic Church) weds Christian doctrine to pagan ceremonies;” “the great tribulation is the period of unexampled trouble … and its vortex Jerusalem and the Holy Land;” “the present world system … refers to the ‘order’ under which Satan has organized the world …;” “ecclesiastical Babylon is apostate Christendom, headed by the Papacy … and is the ‘Great Whore.’” These are just a few of his notes, but one can see how divisive his commentary often is.

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