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An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Cardinal Becciu convicted: six things to know about the prelate and his trial

Irish diocese to rely on laity to preside over funerals amid shortage of priests

A major vocation crisis could result in fewer than 10 active priests in the diocese in less than 20 years, according to the local ordinary, Bishop Larry Duffy.
U.S. dioceses respond to Vatican declaration on same-sex couple blessings

A new Vatican declaration on blessings issued Monday is seen by some bishops as an opportunity to clarify confusion and avoid misapplications.
California Governor lambasted for canceling Christmas event

“Newsom can rightly be dubbed the Governor who stole Christmas and Hanukkah,” said Mark Rienzi, president and CEO of Becket, which gave the award.
Cardinal Becciu convicted: six things to know about the prelate and his trial

Cardinal Angelo Becciu is the first cardinal to be sentenced by a Vatican court since its creation as a city-state in 1929.
Study used to justify ‘conversion therapy’ bans is faulty, Catholic researcher contends

Father Paul Sullins says a widely-cited study purporting to show a link between “conversion therapy” and increased suicidal ideation is seriously flawed.

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