An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Friday, November 10, 2023

The Gift of a Father: How love leads to vocations

The Gift of a Father: How love leads to vocations

By Dr. R. Jared Staudt on Nov 09, 2023 04:00 am
In the beginning is the Father. He is the source and goal of all life. From him flows communion through the gift of his entire life to the Son, his perfect image, and from them [...]
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Catholic trade school in southern CA forms, educates the whole person

By Jim Graves on Nov 08, 2023 09:20 pm
Orange County’s Santiago Retreat Center, a 500-acre site offering retreats to Southern California’s four Catholic dioceses, has launched the Santiago Trade School. The program offers participants an introduction to construction trades and basic formation in [...]
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Six things I wanted to say to the Mom who travelled to kill her baby

By Susan Ciancio on Nov 08, 2023 05:24 pm
A recent article in The Guardian opened with this line: “By the time Chasity Dunans learned about her pregnancy, she had already lost the right to end it.” In that short sentence, readers understand where [...]
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Christianity growing despite world’s worst persecutions, new report says

By Catholic News Agency on Nov 08, 2023 07:28 am
A road in Enugu State, Nigeria. / Credit: International Society for Civil Liberties and Rule of Law (Intersociety) Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Nov 8, 2023 / 08:28 am (CNA). A new report from a Christian advocacy group says that Christianity cont... [...]
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The grave sin of Jew-hatred

By George Weigel on Nov 08, 2023 04:00 am
Shortly after the 2014 Russian annexation of Crimea, I noted in this column and elsewhere that the entire episode – including the fouling of the public space by the aggressor’s genocidal threats and endless disinformation [...]
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Extra, extra! News and views for Wednesday, November 8, 2023

By CWR Staff on Nov 08, 2023 03:00 am
The Holy Father’s Misperceptions – “Last year I wrote a piece that respectfully argued that the Holy Father does not understand the Church in the United States. I wish I could say I was wrong, [...]
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Working for a Eucharistic revival: A response to Fr. Robert McTeigue, S.J.

By Tim Glemkowski on Nov 07, 2023 02:30 pm
As a longtime reader of Catholic World Report, I was surprised to read the recent essay “Will there be a Eucharistic revival?”, by Fr. Robert McTeigue, S.J., published on November 4 on this site. I [...]
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Vatican hospital offers to treat critically ill baby denied life support in Britain

By Catholic News Agency on Nov 07, 2023 09:30 am
The Italian government decided in an emergency meeting on Nov. 6, 2023, to grant critically ill 8-month-old baby Indi Gregory Italian citizenship and to cover the cost of her medical treatment at the Vatican’s Bambino Gesù hospital. The Vatican’... [...]
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Archbishop Cordileone on the “antidote to the spiritual sickness afflicting society…”

By Julian Kwasniewski on Nov 06, 2023 09:37 pm
Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone has been archbishop of San Francisco since 2012, after serving as bishop of the Diocese of Oakland 2009 to 2012. He spoke recently with CWR about the Dobbs decision and its [...]
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Fighting the diabolical lies of the culture of death

By Donald Jacob Uitvlugt on Nov 06, 2023 07:14 pm
On November 7th, the citizens of Ohio vote on Proposal 1. If passed, this proposal will enshrine unrestricted abortion within the state’s constitution. The culture of death has pulled out all the stops in their [...]
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Two questions emerge about religious freedom from Kloosterman v Metropolitan Hospital

By Charles J. Russo on Nov 06, 2023 05:44 pm
As evidenced by Kloosterman v Metropolitan Hospital, a recent case from Michigan, a serious issue involving religious freedom concerns the conscience rights of health care providers. Disputes arise when medical professionals are unable to comply [...]
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Canon lawyer denies involvement in papal election reform, calling reports ‘a pure lie’

By Catholic News Agency on Nov 06, 2023 07:55 am
Cardinal Gianfranco Ghirlanda, SJ, takes possession of his titular church in Rome, the Church of the Gesù, on Dec. 8, 2022. / Credit: Daniel Ibanez/CNA Rome Newsroom, Nov 6, 2023 / 08:55 am (CNA). A cardinal and canon lawyer has denied reports ... [...]
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Gänswein’s Who believes Is Not Alone is detailed, informative, never sensational

By Chilton Williamson, Jr. on Nov 05, 2023 11:02 pm
I. Joseph Pearce once remarked that he tends to look away from Vatican politics on the grounds that it is better not to peer too closely into the engine room of the Barque of St. [...]
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Opinion: Papal attacks on young priests are uncharitable and damaging

By Peter M.J. Stravinskas on Nov 05, 2023 08:50 pm
“There you go again!” Remember that winning line from presidential candidate Ronald Reagan to President Jimmy Carter in October 1980? It was a riposte to Carter’s constant rehashing of pet topics. That retort came to [...]
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