An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Pope Francis set to embark for Canada

Pope Francis set to embark for Canada, on a one-of-a-kind papal visit

As Pope Francis prepares to embark on his 37th international trip as pope, a very different kind of visit is being planned for this high-stakes journey, where he is expected to apologize to the country's Indigenous peoples for abuses at Catholic-run residential schools.

When he touches down in Edmonton, Alberta, on July 24, Francis will find a dramatically altered scene than that of past airport arrivals. Gone will be the jubilant sights and sounds of marching bands and cheering crowds.

When he arrives on the ground — almost certainly via hydraulic lift, given that his limited physical mobility has added another layer of complication to this difficult trip — the first hands he will shake will be that of Indigenous elders and survivors of residential schools. 

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Be messengers of mercy, pope tells African theologians

Pope Francis on July 19 encouraged African theologians to bring "good news of mercy for the poor and nourish people and communities in their struggle for life, peace and hope." 

The pope's remarks came in a prerecorded video to participants in the Pan-African Catholic Congress on Theology, Society and Pastoral Life, taking place in Nairobi, Kenya, July 18-23. The continent-wide congress comes at a time in which the Catholic Church has embarked on a global synodal process meant to facilitate greater participation of Catholics throughout the world. 

Read more of this story here.

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