An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Thursday, August 20, 2020

A battle over religious freedom in Korea

South Korea's latest church-linked coronavirus outbreak is turning into a battle over religious freedom
CNN: A South Korean religious group at the center of a new coronavirus outbreak has been accused by the government of withholding key information and obstructing public health authorities in their fight against the pandemic.

Trump's campaign aims at consolidating his Judeo-Christian base
Religion News Service: President Donald Trump seems to be campaigning more on religion than anything else these days. He's attacked Democratic governors for keeping people from going to church, assailed Joe Biden for being anti-God and bragged about moving the Israeli capital to Jerusalem.

Pandemic fear: Church to apologize for funeral refusal
Associated Press: "There was a lot of fear. Unfortunately, on many levels, that's the world we live in now," said the church's pastor.

Catholic high school's basketball coach fired after protesting pastor's anti-LGBTQ message
National Catholic Reporter: A head women's basketball coach at St. Dominic Savio High School in Austin, Texas, was fired after starting a petition for the removal of a pastor who made an anti-LGBTQ post on social media.

Yorkshire church to be adorned with Chronicles of Narnia statues
The Guardian: St Mary's church in Beverley commissions sculptures of CS Lewis characters to replace medieval carvings.

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