An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Monday, July 20, 2020

What's wrong with cancel culture?

John Lewis, preaching politician and civil rights activist, dies at 80
Religion News Service: John Lewis, the longtime civil rights activist, congressman and ordained Baptist minister who preached about getting in "good trouble," died Friday (July 17) at the age of 80.
The Atlantic: John Lewis was an American founder*

John Lewis and C.T. Vivian belonged to a long tradition of religious leaders in the civil rights struggle
The Conversation: That both men were people of the cloth is no coincidence.

Tearing down evangelical icons: Why Penn's decision to remove George Whitefield statue may be good for American evangelicalism
Religion Dispatches: Citing Whitefield's legacy as an advocate for slavery, university administrators announced on July 2 that they would be taking Whitefield down.

Biden's bid touts faith, courts even religious conservatives
Associated Press: President Donald Trump's appeal to religious conservatives is a cornerstone of his political identity. But Joe Biden is a different kind of foe than Trump has faced before: one who makes faith a central part of his persona -- often literally wearing it on his sleeve.

What's wrong with cancel culture?*
Christian Century: A suggested agenda for the signers of the open letter to Harper's on free speech.

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