An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Religion Can Never Be ‘Privatized’

Religion Can Never Be ‘Privatized’

Casey Chalk

What would James Madison and Thomas Jefferson—the philosophical and logistical masterminds behind the historically influential Virginia Act for Establishing Religious Freedom in 1786—have to say about the latest ruckus over religious liberty in their beloved Old Dominion? Lighthouse Fellowship Church, a church located on tourist-friendly Chincoteague Island, is suing Virginia Democratic Governor Ralph Northam, whose […]

Laughing at the Microbe

Sean Fitzpatrick

Covid-19 will most likely prove one of those demarcating events in history that will be prefixed with “pre” and “post.” Until then, these are without doubt days of blind trust. No one is quite sure what is going on, but doubt is not a popular public disposition. With sorrow for those who have suffered due […]

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