An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Tuesday, February 4, 2020

On Sport and Sacrifice

On Sport and Sacrifice

Fr. George W. Rutler

The Feast of the Presentation recalls the old man Simeon chanting thanks for having lived to see the Messiah. His Nunc Dimittis—“Let thy servant depart in peace”—is part of the Church’s evening prayers. In 542 in Constantinople, the Emperor Justinian placed it into the Eastern Liturgy. This year the Feast fell on Super Bowl Sunday. […]

Surviving Sodom

Anthony Esolen

Back in 2014, I wrote a book called Defending Marriage: Twelve Arguments for Sanity. I spoke not as an interpreter of Scripture or of the teachings of the Church. My arguments were based on observation, logic, history, anthropology, and culture. As far as I know, no Catholic on the left has taken them up. My […]

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