An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Can Beer Brewing Help Restore Christian Culture?

In Academia as in Government, Personnel Is Policy

Anthony Esolen

News is that Providence College, where I taught for 27 years, will be getting a new president in 2020. He won’t have troubles with money or buildings. For re-establishing the Catholic faith as the school’s foundation, and aim, and reason for existence, he will face, outside of the theology department, a nearly universal hostility from a faculty […]

How Socialists Will Usher In a New Hell on Earth

John Horvat II

Americans are a generous people ready to lend a hand to those in need. When God blesses us with prosperity, we naturally want to practice acts of charity to help the less fortunate. However, this charitable spirit is now threatened. There are those who hate this charity and desire to destroy the structures by which […]

Chaput, Sarah, and Schneider Weigh in on Our Troubled Times

Jonathan B. Coe

One of the lessons of both the history of Israel and the Church is that it is unwise for the faithful to tie their sense of emotional and spiritual well-being to the words and actions of those who rule over them. This fact is highlighted with both clarity and brio by the 2018 book by […]

Can Beer Brewing Help Restore Christian Culture?

Jesse B. Russell

“The noble person concerns himself with the root; when the root is established, the Way is born.” ∼ Confucius, Analects 1.2 Rod Dreher’s The Benedict Option has run the critical gauntlet for the past two years, earning praise, critique, and cautious assessment from both the Christian and secular press. While there is much that is […]

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