An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Friday, February 15, 2019

Helpful Contrasts with Fr. Carlos

Today’s beatitudes from St Luke’s Gospel is a shorter list than St Matthew’s Gospel. Another interesting difference is that St Luke accompanies his shorter list of four beatitudes with four corresponding and contrasting woes. I find the contrast interesting. 

Our first reading from Jeremiah also offers us a contrast between the person who trusts in God and the one who trusts in mere human effort. The one is like a bush in the desert, and the latter like a tree with deep roots near a source of water. 

These contrasts in our readings today might help us have some perspective. If we ever experience contentment and adequacy in our own efforts, then perhaps we are settling for less than for what we were made. On the other hand, although we are naturally averse to vulnerable situations, such situations might be a blessing if they open us up to a deeper trust in God. 

In order to let God into our heart, we might need to experience a certain dissatisfaction with this world. That experience might be painful. It might be totally unmerited and unwarranted. Yet such experiences, can become, by the grace of God, windows into the mystery of Christ crucified and risen. 

Our second reading points us in this direction: “Christ has been raised from the dead.” Therefore, if we remain in Him, we know the victory is ours, though we may only glimpse it at times. Yet the centrality of the death and resurrection of Jesus in our life is our reason to proclaim with the responsorial psalm: “Blessed are they who hope in the Lord.”

God Bless, Fr. Carlos, OSA.

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