An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Reading Toni Morrison in Advent

Vox: A commitment from a philosopher to give 10% of his wages to charity has galvanized over 4,000 others to do the same with his Giving What We Can pledge.

Reading Toni Morrison in Advent
Christian Century: A seasonal practice to cultivate the patient gaze to describe life as we find it.

NBC: The Catholic Church where Judge Sara Smolenski had been a member for 62 years shunned her because she's married to a woman.

Faith made Harriet Tubman fearless as she rescued slaves
The Conversation: A historian describes the impact that belief had on Harriet Tubman's work.

The priest who channeled Black Power into the Catholic Church
Religion News Service: The late Rev. George Clements should be remembered as a black Catholic transformed by Black Power, a man who helped create space to be both "authentically Black" and "truly Catholic."

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