An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Thursday, October 17, 2019

Religious attendance flatlining, but giving remains strong

Study: Religious attendance flatlining, but giving remains strong
Religion News Service: A new nationally representative study from the Lake Institute on Faith and Giving at Indiana University's Lilly Family School of Philanthropy finds that revenue is not necessarily declining along with church attendance. In fact, the study finds that nearly half of America's estimated 380,000 congregations saw an increase in giving from three years ago.

The stained-glass cliff and the Riverside Church: a double standard for our first female senior minister
Baptist News Global: Riverside's church council held a double standard against the first woman to serve as the senior minister. Two contrasting investigations demonstrate how the council acted differently towards a woman versus a man, writes a former board member. 

Donald Trump and Bill Barr are setting a religious war trap
Slate: Recent comments by Mike Pompeo, Bill Barr and President Trump are working to push a narrative about civil war, holy war, and religious war that pits Americans against Americans, writes Dahlia Lithwick.
Religion News Service: Pompeo's 'Christian leader' speech goes only as far as Trump allows
Washington Examiner: Democrats try to drive religion out of the public square

Albania gets religion
Politico: In 1989, all Albanian citizens were labeled as "atheist." In 2011 only 2.5 percent identified themselves as such, according to the World Values Survey. However, not everyone is happy with the resurgence of religion in the Balkan nation.

5 simple rules for strategy execution
Harvard Business Review: The basic challenge in strategy execution is to translate broad ideas at the organization level into concrete actions for progress at the individual level.

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